Saturday, April 14, 2007

First Blog

Today is the first I will post on my new blog. This is something I have been wanting to do but just never took the time to get things started. My sweet husband brought the portable computer to me tonight ready for me to start posting. I think this is more for him than me at this time as I am recovering from a broken ankle. As a matter of fact tonight is the one week mark since my unfortunate meeting with a garage floor. Yep I had a much too close encounter with a concrete garage floor and the floor won. I'm coming along as well as can be expected, I guess. Never having had a broken ankle before, I am not sure what to expect. I am passing the time reading, doing crossword puzzles, watching movies and watching it snow outside. You read that right: April 14 and winter still has a grip on not just our area but much of the midwest and heading for the east coast tonight.

The above picture was taken on Easter Sunday, less than eight hours after my encounter in the garage. My beautiful granddaughter brightened my day and made the hurt leave my thoughts for as long as she was near me. Pictured with me also is my wonderful husband of over 40 years, did I forget to mention that I was 5 when I got married. Ok that is a lie, I was older than 5 when I got married.

In the next few blogs I will introduce my wonderful family.


Scott, Emily, Cara and Will said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Looking forward to lots of future posts!

Cynthia Rae said...

Darn you Em! You beat me to the first comment (of course it is okay if the comment is from Miss Cara, hehehehehe).

Mom- Glad you got your blog up! I know you have been talking about it for a while. Looking forward to reading more about your wonderful family.

Hope the foot is feeling better. Talk to you later in the day.
Cyn and Danilo

G and G A said...

It was fun waking up today and seeing that all of my children had visited my blog and left me a message. I am so new at this I have a lot to learn. Your father has been the one to do all of the hard work involved in getting this up and he is still figuring things out. I think this will be a fun way to spend my recovery-making posts. Love to all of you

Cynthia Rae said...

Well at last we all have a blog. What a great way to keep in touch with each other. Kind of makes the kilometers (oops, I mean miles) between not seem so bad.


Corrie said...

yay, amerimom--welcome to the blog world! i hope you are recovering well from the broken foot!


Anonymous said...

Καλημέρα from Greece!

Welcome to the blog world!

G and G A said...

Stella - thank you for the warm wishes from across the miles. I check out Cyndi's blog & hear from her friends. Glad to have you on my site.

Ellasdevil - thanks to you also from America to Greece. Hope you will keep in touch & I will also find my way to your blog & Stella's.