Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Esperia Travels, LLC

Cyndi and I are proud to announce that Esperia Travels, LLC is now a registered company in the State of Indina. The tour itenerary for 2008 is completed and Esperia Travels is accepting names for our scheduled tours.

Several months ago Cyndi conceived the idea to start a tour guide company specializing in small group tours through Emilia Romagna. After many months of hard work and research, Esperia Travels is now a reality. I will be handling the office side of the business while Cyndi is organizing and will be heading up the tours.

The CEOs of Esperia Travels

Since Cyndi's return home, she and Danilo have been working hard to get the internet site up and running. Danilo designed and put together the website, we owe him a big THANK YOU! Also, along on this adventure we put Ameridad to work as our proof reader. His new name is Moe (mean, old, editor) and we appreciate all of the time that he gave to doing this for us. The biggest thank you is to Cyndi for asking me to join her as a partner with Esperia Travels. I am looking forward to joining our clients and Cyndi on one of our tours in 2008.

Why the name of Esperia for our business? Esperia is the name that the ancient Greeks gave to Italy, meaning "land of the setting sun". At the time Cyndi was thinking of names for the tour guide company, Danilo was reading an Italian book called "The Marshes of Esperia". It is set in the Delta Po region of Emilia Romagna, one of the very spots our tour will be visiting. He recommended the name and as they say the rest is history.

At last the website is finished and we are ready for business. If you are interested in taking a tour with me, just drop me a note at or visit our website at

click here to view our ad on Slow Travel.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Steph. Excellent work done by all.

Scott, Emily, Cara and Will said...

Congralations on the official announcement of your new business! Wishing you lots of success and can't wait take the tour with you guys someday!

Cynthia Rae said...

Looks great! Congrats partner! I am looking forward to the adventures ahead.


melusina said...

Congrats to both of you! I wish you both the very best for Esperia Travels!

G and G A said...

Thanks to all for your well wishes. Hope to see you on some of our tours.